Prisma Fluid

      Equipment for fluid handling, thermo compressors, separators for steam and condensate

      All Industries: Paper, Corrugated, Sugar, Animal Nutrition, Alcohol, among others


      Innovative solutions for high pressure water management

      Industries: Paper, Corrugated, Sugar

      Colombia / Ecuador

      Dissolved air flotation classifiers

      Industries: Paper

      Colombia / Ecuador / Perú

      Innovative dispensing system for inks, coatings and chemicals

      Industries: Paints

      Colombia / Ecuador / Panamá / Perú

      Specialized supplier of systems that enable on-site conversion of starches and other chemicals

      Industries: Paper

      Colombia / Ecuador / Perú

      Engineering and fabricating energy-efficient equipments, delivering cleaning solutions, designing and installing water recycling systems

      Industries: Paper, Pulp, Nonwovens, Food, Fiberglass, Gypsum Board and more

      Colombia / Ecuador / Perú / Bolivia


      Calle 11 100-121 Of. 901
      Edificio Campestre Towers
      Cali, Colombia 760032
      Tel: (+57) 2 3153313


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